Photo of the holding field of the Carina Nebula
No, this has nothing to do with outer space. Sorry.
I think I found a song that I can say is my song.
It’s called Good in Red by The Midnight
The song seems to be about someone who has faced many challenges in life, including an unstable family and difficult circumstances. Despite this, they have found strength within themselves and have learned to fight and survive. The "curse of small desires" could be interpreted as the tendency to settle for less than what one truly wants or deserves. The chorus seems to encourage the listener to confront their demons and take control of their life, with the phrase "Don't you look good in red?" possibly referring to the idea of feeling empowered and confident.
The most prevalent line in the lyrics is “Kill your demons”.
To kill your demons means to overcome your fears, doubts, and negative thoughts that hold you back from achieving your goals. It's about facing your inner demons head-on and conquering them, rather than letting them control you.
A powerful lyric I find I really love is “When the others blocked your light you learned to see beyond the stars”.
It means that when other people tried to hold you back or discourage you, you were able to look beyond their negativity and see your own potential and the possibilities that exist beyond your current situation. You were able to find your own light and keep shining even when others tried to dim it.
I’ve looked had to look past bullshit a lot in my life whether it was from my own father or from people or even certain tutors at university telling me “Wouldn’t make it in the industry” or simply I couldn’t do something.
Frankly, I don’t give fuck what they think. It wasn’t coming from a place of care or love. It was from a place of hate and resentment.
Why am I talking about my issues as reflected in a song?
It’s a good way to start a post that draws you in.
Let’s reflect a bit.
This time, for the past two years now (June), I have been working. I had a job, and I was getting experience learning and growing. Here in Australia, we are moving into the colder time of year, winter. I don’t mind it. I love a good fireplace, hoodies, and blankets.
The ancients associated the winter season with the death and subsequent resurrection of the sun or a sun god.
Normally, winter isn't the best season to go after what you want, but in this case, I truly want it. I will state unequivocally that I dislike politics and dislike even mentioning them in my writings, as they are not topics I particularly enjoy discussing; they create more problems than they are worth.
The transformation of the world is frightening me, and it's been a long time coming. There is talk of a recession, and much worse, a war.
I hope to God I am wrong.
At this stage, it’s about survival.
The thought of being unemployed for an entire year fills me with dread. I need to get a job. I want to create. I make things.
Let's be honest: during this period of job hunting, I've lost a great deal of confidence, but I've acquired self-worth in proportion to what I've lost in confidence. One's relationships, career, health, and mental and emotional well-being can all benefit from a good dose of self-esteem.
Due to experiencing profound periods of despair, I've had to prioritise my own well-being. I've had to fight against my inner demons.
My confidence will return when I need it, which is usually when I'm working, in job interviews, or in my craft.
I'm going to relate some of my friends' stories; I have one friend who streams and is a genuinely kind person. I ran into them during the Redfall event. Our aspirations to enter the game industry are highly congruent. After eight months of looking, they finally found a job. They have a new job, but they aren't saying anything about it just yet. I am so pleased and proud that they received a role, even though I am unsure of what it is. After they had been looking for a while longer than I had, I joked, "My turn next." They simply advised me to remain determined.
Never stopped being determined.
The second story I wished to tell was about a friend I've known for quite some time. I speak with them often. They put in a tonne of effort since they're passionate about their work. They've been the only permanent members of the team as of late, with a few interns pitching in to help out when they can. They're under a lot of pressure, and I can only imagine how exhausting it must be to feel constantly pushed forwards in a never-ending cycle of activity with no time to relax. Burnout can result from this. Even while I understand that in the profession, we sometimes have to do what we have to do. They do an excellent job, are remarkable individuals, and are exceedingly generous. Their contributions to my success thus far are greatly appreciated.
I wish I could be of assistance; they really need a group to help share the load.I get that they just can't make that choice.
The other day I produced a post to increase the traffic to my LinkedIn profile. Great companies looked at it, and it received some likes, so that's cool.
As of now, I have seen no tangible benefits from it. Whether that's the cause or not, it will happen one way or another.
"Never, ever underestimate the power of love. Even one moment of empathic, attuned contact can change a person forever. Please don’t forget that many, have never actually known the erupting power of unconditional holding.
While you may be burning with the need to talk a struggling friend out of their experience – overflowing with solutions, techniques, and secret spiritual processes – stay attuned… for this may not be what they are longing for. Listen carefully, not just to the words, but to what is emanating out of the centre of their heart.
Through your presence, your eyes, your touch, and your language hold them so that they are reminded that surging vulnerability, heartbreak, confusion, and uncertainty are not evidence that something is wrong with them. But is a reminder of how alive they are, and the realities of being a sensitive, open, naked human being on a star where love is present.
One of the greatest gifts you can give to another is that of a regulated, calm, soothing nervous system. Provide a permission field where they can come to rest, exactly as they are, without needing to be something different for you to stay close.
Together, you will be midwives of integration, weaving a holding space for the unfolding of what is longing to be met within them. The path is everywhere."
- Matt Licata, PhD, Independent scholar, psychotherapist, and teacher.
It's funny how the universe finds ways to heal in moments like these. While writing this, I found that quote posted by a friend of mine who I met up with in Lismore, NSW. I think that quote touched on where I was going in the blog.
There are people in this world who look at other people’s successes and wins and scold them, even if they are friends. I never understood that. Well, maybe I can understand a little. I have my moments. I go when will I get my chance? I am always going to cheer on my friends from the sidelines, congratulate them, and celebrate those wins!
What is a world without love?
A world without love would be a bleak and lonely place, where people would lack the emotional connections that make life meaningful. It would be a world where people are cold and indifferent to one another, and where kindness and compassion are absent. Love is what makes us human, and without it, life would be empty and devoid of purpose.
I’ve probably lost a lot of people in this. It’s probably getting very sappy.
This blog went from talking about fear and doubt to stories about friends’ stories and now love. What the hell are you getting at?
Do you want to know why I shared those stories?
Simply said, I care about them, and I mean it sincerely. Being someone who didn't grow up with many friends, I now have a profound respect for the friendships I did have. High school was a time of isolation and bullying for me. Every scrap of love and friendship is precious to me. Even in the realm of networking, it's important to me to build solid connections. In some ways, I place a premium on interpersonal contact. An unusual sentence uttered by an introvert.
I always found it funny when people say “Blood is thicker than water” It’s a misunderstanding of the full quote. The real saying is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” The saying means that chosen bonds are more significant than the bonds with family or the “water of the womb.” More directly, it means that the relationships you make yourself are far more important than the ones that you don't choose.
How will love help in this topic about job hunting, your no longer making sense.
I'm tired; it's been a long job search, and I'll take virtually anything at this point. I am exhausted. In those instances, I may not work for a gaming studio or have a job set up for me. I recognise a lot of myself in those tales.
I have been visualising and taking action to realise my dreams. Perhaps it's time to let people know exactly how and what I'm doing. It's something from Jordanna Levin's book, "Make it happen." As a matter of psychology, it's a straightforward method of manifestation.
Thoughts + Feelings + Actions + Faith = Successful Manifestation
Nothing is impossible if the four variables in the formula are all contributing equally. Get your mind on the same page as the thing you wish to create. You may raise your vibration by fuelling your intention by tuning into how it feels. Get busy making your goal a reality; manifestation requires action. Trust that something bigger than you is helping you realise your dreams and that you deserve everything good that comes your way. With this easy combination, you'll start manifesting in record time.
If this manifestation works, then why hasn’t it happened for you?
OK, so it's a slow process. The manifestation process is highly sensitive to timing. If your efforts to do the right thing aren't paying off, perhaps the Universe is more perceptive than you are and it's just not the right time. We learn to wait patiently here, without getting our hopes up. Whenever your plans fall through, know that something much better is just around the corner.
How much faith you have in yourself is as crucial to manifestation as how worthy you feel you are. However, doubt, looking backwards or forwards without enough evidence, and living in the past are all detrimental to trust. You might want to ask, "Am I in danger right now?" You may find yourself wondering, "Can I trust that I have the full support and not let fear rule this situation?" (You nearly never are). Alter the rules!
Your value increases as you get better at making things happen. Where you feel worthy and deserving, manifestation will come easily; where you feel unworthy and undeserving, it will be tough. An "aha!" moment, if you will, for me. If you're having relationship issues, ask yourself, "Do I feel worthy of love?" You should start loving yourself more if you don't already. If you're facing money problems, you might want to ask yourself, "Do I feel deserving of receiving money?"
The current stage of materialisation is essential. We have a propensity to cling to our wants. We cling to them more tightly the more we want them. But when we cling desperately, we tell ourselves and the universe that we don't believe things will work out exactly as they should. So, make up your mind on what it is you truly desire, and have faith that it will manifest if it is truly for your best interests.
Yes, those remarks were taken directly from Jordanna Levin. The art of manifestation is a tough one, and some of those things may come more easily to a wealthy, content person.
Like many of my spiritual convictions, I have personal experience with this and find it credible. What I really want is to do it on a massive scale.
Some individuals may be sceptical of the concept of manifestation or may not believe that it is possible to attract what you desire into your life simply by meditating on it. Others may argue that the equation oversimplifies the process of reaching one's goals or fails to account for the importance of hard effort, perseverance, and factors outside one's control. Some may also argue that the equation puts an undue premium on monetary achievement at the expense of more esoteric, selfless goals.
I was the same in all honesty, however. People often don’t use the most crucial part of the action.
In science, this can be described as Newton's Third Law: Action & Reaction
His third law states that for every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If object A exerts a force on object B, object B also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A. In other words, forces result from interactions.
In spiritual talking, there is the Law of Action.
The Law of Action requires that you DO SOMETHING to manifest the things you want. Yes, it's that literal! This law states that you cannot manifest the things you want without TAKING ACTION, or better said, without putting your thoughts into action. Manifestation requires taking steps, or actions, toward success.
In fact, there are 12 universal laws that go into this!
The Law of Divine Oneness: Everyone and everything is connected in the world we live in. Every thought, word, or action of ours will take effect on others. As everything and everyone is connected to each other subconsciously, we should start thinking about the good in others, and they will think about the good in us.
The Law of Energy or Vibration: The universe, including our ideas and wants, is circular. Each idea and feeling has its own vibration pattern and will merge with others with similar vibration patterns. Good ideas spread benevolence throughout the universe.
The Law of Action: Thoughts, words, dreams, and emotions determine the outcome of each action. Our actions must simply support our thoughts, words, dreams, and feelings. Our activities must support your thoughts and ambitions to achieve your goal.
The Law of Correspondence: This law states that we are in control of our life. Every action we make will be reflected in our outer world to our inner world.
The Law of Cause and Effect: Nothing ever happens by chance. It is each of our actions that create a reaction that is followed.
The Law of Compensation: Comes after the Law of Cause and Effect where blessing has come into our lives through various forms such as gifts, money, friendship, etc.
The Law of Attraction: This Law brings things, people, and events into our life. Thoughts attract energy. Positivity attracts positivity. Law unites like-minded people.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: The Universal Law states that we possess the power to change the conditions of our lives. Higher vibration consumes and transforms lower ones, we can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws.
The Law of Relativity: For us to develop, we have to go through a series of problems while remaining connected to our hearts. This law also teaches us to compare our problems with other people’s problems. No matter how difficult the situation might be, there will always be someone else in the worst position.
The Law of Polarity: This law states that everything has an opposite. Change unwanted thoughts my thinking on the opposite pole.
The Law of Rhythm: There is a set frequency and beat to all energy. There is a natural order to the progression of all things. Only by embracing the dark side of each rhythm can it be mastered.
The Law of Gender: According to the Law of the Universe, there are masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) aspects to everything. To achieve Mastery, one must strike a balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of one's nature.
That’s all interesting but why is this relevant?
The 12 universal laws are relevant to manifestation, love, job hunting, and friendship because they provide a framework for understanding how the universe operates and how we can work with it to achieve our goals. By understanding these laws, we can learn how to align our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the natural flow of the universe, which can help us to attract what we desire into our lives. For example, the law of attraction is a key principle of manifestation, while the law of cause and effect can help us to understand how our actions and decisions impact our relationships and career prospects.
Believe it or not, I am still very new to all of this regardless of being spiritual my entire life. I am still yet to understand all of them.
I will say the Law of Action is one I thoroughly agree with, as nothing will come by sitting on your butt and doing nothing. You do have to do stuff. Whether it is creating, learning, networking, or applying. In the end, it aligns everything.
Let’s be frank here, the 12 universal laws provide a framework for understanding how the universe operates and how we can work with it to achieve our goals. This means that when other people tried to discourage or hold you back, you were able to look beyond their negativity and see your own potential and the possibilities that exist beyond your current situation. You were able to find your own strength and keep pushing forward even when others tried to bring you down. It's about having a positive mindset and believing in yourself, even in the face of adversity.
When put that way, it doesn't sound very spiritual, to be honest. It's trusting in yourself, knowing the universe has your back, and going for it!
It's fine with me if others see me as a Witch because I follow these principles. So be it.
Witches and Wizards are cool anyway!
“To thine own self be true” – Good in Red, The Midnight