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Unleashing Fantasy: An Exploration of Dream Projects I Would Love to Work On

Writer's picture: Brendan QuinlanBrendan Quinlan

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

As an avid stargazer, I've had the pleasure of observing several shooting stars in my lifetime. In fact, I recently had the privilege of witnessing one just the other night. This blog serves as the perfect conduit to transmit my wishful aspirations into the digital realm, potentially capturing the attention of someone who might just give me the opportunity I've been seeking.

While I spent my day in Ultimo-Chippendale on Tuesday the 8th of August, as I have mentioned before, I found myself inspired by the atmosphere of the area. Is it because it is known as the Tech Hub of Sydney? Is it because there are game studios like Ubisoft, Riot, Chaos Theory, and SMG in the area? Maybe it has a lot to do with that.

I enjoy the area and exploring all the nooks and crannies that are there. This area, which sits on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, has a history that stretches back to the Rum Rebellion and a prosperous industrial history.

Even before technology and gaming moved in, it was the product of dreamers and artisans.

Don’t believe me?

I recommend walking the streets and just living in the moment. It’s the atmosphere it brings.

Currently, the NSW Government is intending to invest in the Ultimo-Chippendale area through the establishment of precincts, with Tech Central near Central Station in the heart of the CBD serving as the catalyst. It will include the Sydney Quantum Academy and the Space Industry Hub of the future. Tech Central will future-proof and diversify the economy of New South Wales (NSW) and cement its position as a leader in fintech, cyber, e-health, digital and deep technology, including quantum, blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics, the internet of things, analytics, and creative industries, including virtual reality and game design.

Exciting things are on the horizon.

Did I lose sight of the point of this blog post?

No, I didn’t. I was simply giving a backdrop to my way of thinking.

The whole point is that I am a dreamer. The other day In Ultimo, I was deeply inspired by the atmosphere, and it had me, in a way, reflecting and dreaming of places I would love to work.

The point of this blog is to expand upon my dream projects and how I would approach them.

If you like the way I think and want to work with me, why don’t you reach out to me?

Usually, if I were talking to you in person, I would give you a business card! However, I will just give you my email address for you to reach out!

This blog will contain ideas for projects currently in development, yet to be released and entirely hypothetical concepts!

Assassin’s Creed Codename Hexe

This Game is already 100% in development, and I estimate that it is set to release sometime around 2025. After the release of Codename Red, I personally would love to work on this project as a concept artist. However, I would love to even sit on the narrative team or do research as well! I think this would be the best example of my first dream project.

First, what is it?

Assassin's Creed: Codename Hexe, also referred to as Assassin's Creed: Neo, is the working title for an upcoming instalment in the Assassin's Creed series and is a part of the Assassin's Creed: Infinity platform. The game is expected to be one of the darkest series entries yet, set during the witch trials in the Holy Roman Empire, and will be helmed by Ubisoft Montreal.

Why do I want to work on it?

Firstly, I love Assassin’s Creed. After all, I am a Ubisoft star player because of the Assassin’s Creed franchise. AC has also been an incredibly important game that has continued to inspire me to this day. As well as this, I think a game featuring Witch trials and witchcraft is entirely unique and has so much potential. It’s inspiring.

What would you do for the project?

I would love to design the character, tools, weapons, the props like Altars and all those witchy elements as a concept artist! If I couldn’t do this simply being a writer of dialogue or a researcher would be a great opportunity. In essence, I would just love to be on the team.

Give me a moment to nerd out for a second and explain how I see this game.

So, before I go into this, we know Hexe is the German Word for “Witch”. So that’s ultimately where we see this we think okay Assassin Witches that’s awesome!

Then get hit with the realisation and the horror of the witch trials of old. The terrible images of innocent women being burnt at the stake because of the book used by the witch-finders known as the Malleus Maleficarum or commonly known as the Hammer of Witches.

On 10 September 2022, a short teaser was released showing a wooden Assassin insignia surrounded by script identified to be the "alphabet of the Magi." The Alphabet of the Magi was invented by Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (also known as Paracelsus) in the 16th century. It is a variant of the Hebrew alphabet. He used it to engrave the names of angels on talismans which he claimed could treat illnesses and provide protection. In fact, the Magi go back to old Hebrew and Zoroastrianism traditions. Magi itself means “Wise Men”, yes the ones from the bible. Magi are priests in Zoroastrianism and the earlier religions of the Western Iranians. The earliest known use of the word magi is in the trilingual inscription written by Darius the Great, known as the Behistun Inscription.

I believe this links to the regions where the Assassins were not only formed but connects to the roots of the creed itself.

We have already established this is German and written in the Alphabet of the Magi.

What does it say?

In the outer ring it says "Wir arbeiten im dem tunckel um dem licht zu dienen", in English "We work in the dark to serve the light". A common phrase mentioned in the Context of the Assassin order in the series.

The sections around the pentacle, the pentacle tips, and the central pentagon itself are all also read clockwise. Clockwise makes sense, as in modern paganism, clockwise is good for setting intentions for something. They read "Mephisto rache husa", From Old German to English, it suggests a spell that reads "Mephisto avenge this house". I personally believe This could be a slight mistranslation by Access the Animus. When you translate it yourself, it doesn’t translate 100% currently. The word "Husa" translates better in Romanian as the word for "Cover." As the traditional word for House in German would be "Haus". I think it translates to "Mephisto Avenge This Coven." A coven is a group or gathering of witches. usually 13 witches. Written in Magi-Old German, it tells me this would be a ward used to protect the coven, setting an intention for the patron "Mephisto" to protect the coven.

Who is Mephisto?

One of the most prominent demonic figures in German legend is Mephisto, also known as Mephistopheles. They are called an archdemon in the Lesser Key of Solomon, where it is referenced.

To me, this indicates that this coven of witches does, in fact, engage with darker powers, which would suggest, at least within the context of modern paganism, that they are a Goetia Witch.

Based on this my theory of the exact setting would be one set in the 1600s around the time of the Wurzburg and Bamburg Witch trials in the holy roman empire.

The witch trials that took place in Wurzburg between 1625 and 1631 were one of the largest mass trials and mass executions that have ever taken place in Europe. They were also one of the largest witch trials in the history of the world. The trials took place in the self-governing Catholic Prince-Bishopric of Wurzburg, which was a part of the Holy Roman Empire in modern-day Germany.

The trials led to the execution of hundreds of people of varying ages, gender, and social groups. These individuals were all put to death by being burned at the stake, sometimes after having their heads severed and other times while they were still alive. One hundred fifty-seven men, women, and children in the city of Wurzburg are confirmed to have been put to death by execution. It is estimated that 219 people were put to death within the city itself, and it is estimated that 900 people were either put to death by execution or died in detention within the Prince-Bishopric. The witch trials occurred during the theological conflict known as the Thirty Years War, which was fought between Catholics and Protestants. They took place in a region that was located on the religious boundary between Catholic and Protestant countries, and they were led by a Catholic Prince Bishop who was determined to introduce the Counter-Reformation in his domain.

The Bamberg witch trials of 1627–1632 were one of the largest mass trials and mass executions that have ever taken place in Europe. They were also one of the largest witch trials in the history of the world. The trials took place in the self-governing Catholic Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, which was a part of the Holy Roman Empire in modern-day Germany.

Around 900 persons were put to death in Bamberg for the crime of witchcraft between the years 1626 and 1632, out of the total number of people who were put to death for the crime over the course of several decades. People of various ages, genders, and social classes were all put to death by being burned at the stake, sometimes after having their heads severed and other times while they were still alive.

it was one of the four largest witch trials in Germany alongside the Trier Witch trials (1581 - 1593), the Fulda Witch trials (1603 - 1606), and the contemporary Würzburg witch trials.

This to me conjures horrible images. It also allows me to imagine a unique Assassin’s Creed game that would feature lots of the from the series like stealth, infiltration, Assassinations, tailing and of course, parkour-free running traversal.

I first think of a female protagonist or at least a multi-character story from different perspectives.

I also think the story of this game could be a great exploration of the Creed like some of the other games in the franchise that looked at the storytelling to see different interpretations of the Creed and its teachings.

"Do we bend the rules in service to a greater good? And if we do, what does it say of us?"―Altair’s Codex, page 4.

I think this game would be incredible if it explores the concepts of the three Ironies of the creed. The Ironies are commonly seen as contradictions of the creed. However, the ironies do not undermine the Assassin’s Cause.

1. The Assassins seek to promote peace but commit murder.

2. The Assassins seek to open the minds of men but require obedience to rules.

3. The Assassins seek to reveal the danger of blind faith yet practice it themselves.

Of course, I would love to see the reinforcement of the main tenants of the creed in the gameplay and story.

1. Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.

2. Hide in plain sight.

3. Never compromise the Brotherhood

I would want social stealth to be a focal point of the game and increase the use of stealth. In saying this I believe the use of Foraging and crafting would be necessary for the purpose of acquiring tools and ingredients for things to help with missions. Whether it is gathering Belladonna or Death cap mushrooms with some Rue wood to make poison darts. Another would be to gather Twigs to make Effigies, intimidate fear, ward unwanted eyes from areas for a certain amount of time or promote good things. The gathering of herbs could also be useful for the point of making anointing oils for weapons as a buff and tonics to help buff the protection in certain ways. It would also be used for the purpose of Offerings to the Patron the witch is working with.

As well as the benefits of foraging I believe a system called “the Gossip System” would be fantastic in this context as well! Yes, it’s a system based around “all about the he said she said”.

Players could engage with NPCs and learn about other characters' actions. This knowledge could help witches/assassins develop alliances. The gossip system could be utilised as a weapon by disseminating false information or rumours about other characters to sow discord or confusion. This could be used to manipulate NPCs or obtain a gameplay advantage. Control the crowd in a way.

To me, Hexe will be like a survival game.

I've already sketched up an idea for Hexe's protagonist! OK, I'll show you.

Meet Emilia Adler, a European woman of Jewish descent employed as a Healer in the Holy Roman Empire. Her first name, Emilia, means "industrious; rival," and her last name, Adler, is German for "eagle." I assume you can see where I'm going with the character already.

As a healer who was convicted of practising witchcraft, I can envision Emilia encountering an Assassin Coven after she abruptly left her hometown. Wurzburg, Bamburg, and maybe even Frankfurt were safe havens for her. To counter the Witch Finders and the Prince-Bishopric, she would have to immerse herself in the arts and the Assassin order.

Upon further reflection, the concept is reminiscent of punk rock.

I’m about to do something cheeky.

I will address the creative director, Clint Hocking. Absolutely loved your work on Far Cry 2, Watch Dogs Legion and Splinter Cell! I simply would love to work on your team!

I'd love to contribute to any AC game currently. I felt the need to declare my undying enthusiasm for all things Hexe. Naturally, I'd want to pitch my plans for a Game that takes place in Australia, Jacobite Scotland, Arthurian England, and the Aztec Empire. Working on Assassin's Creed in any form would be a dream come true for me.


Whoa, you thought I only wrote about video games, huh? Try again. Professionally, I am a Designer. Skill and creativity in graphic design that spans multiple disciplines and allows for quick adaptation. In terms of design, a jack-of-all-trades.

“a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” – William Shakespeare

Most people reading this would go why Canva of all things, why would he choose that as a dream job?

Firstly, I’ve heard some great things about Canva, from people who work there and from the messaging and ideas of the company in itself.

Let me iterate, that back when I first heard of Canva back when Canva was on the rise. Believe it or not. I thought it lacked a lot compared to other graphic design Software like Indesign and Photoshop. However, it wasn’t till I read through the messages, goals, and the story of the company. It made me believe that Canva is the real deal and doing something great for the world.

Like all Design, It starts with a Problem that needed to be solved.

In 2007, Melanie Perkins was instructing her fellow students in the art of design using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, two programmes that many of her peers had great difficulty mastering. Melanie's conviction that the problem lay not with users' lack of technical knowledge but with the software itself sparked the idea to "democratise design" by developing a programme that anybody could access and use without a sizable financial investment or specialised expertise.

After identifying the issue, they wished to address, they formulated more specific objectives. They took the feedback seriously and collaborated extensively with their user base to develop a solution that helped them achieve their objectives and gave them a sense of agency.

I understand the frustration of designers just starting out with Adobe programs. I can now confidently state that I have mastered Adobe and am enjoying the process of exploring all of its features. This experience did, however, remind me of my inability to use InDesign and Illustrator in the past.

I continue to believe that Canva will not replace Adobe anytime soon. Adobe themselves had created a competitor to Canva called Adobe Express. I'd argue it’s much more technically advanced than Canva.

Canva has also evolved greatly since its inception; I personally appreciate the simplicity and accessibility of the programme. After all, I can make quick mock-ups of my resume and portfolio with it.

In the story of its creation, Canva tells the goal of making Design Accessible to all. I believe it has done that successfully and will continue to do so. I believe it’s a beautiful concept, and I’d one day love to contribute to that goal.

I ideally love the values of the company. Be a force for good, be a good human, empower others, make complex things simple, pursue excellence and Set crazy big goals. These values show that Canva is committed to making a positive impact, empowering others, and striving for excellence while keeping things simple. It reflects their ambition and dedication to their mission.

Which in my opinion is all they needed to do to convince me that I believe Canva is a great company and one I’d love to work with one day! Melanie Perkin also really inspires me!

It’s not a project per se, more of a gush about a cool company, but that's ok!

Doctor Who.

This would be more of a hypothetical type of game that I would love to work on one day.

Believe it or not, there hasn’t been a great deal of Doctor Who influence in the Video game space.

Yes, there have been video games, and some of them are rather good like Doctor Who: The Adventure Games. Which is a fantastic idea for a Doctor Who game itself. Other titles, I can’t say, have really established themselves in the world of gaming. I would’ve liked to see more of Doctor Who in Lego after Lego Dimensions; that was great!

My idea, in fact, is a concept for a AAA Doctor Who game that I believe would bring a lot of Whovians out of the woodwork as well as new fans to the franchise.

It would ultimately be an original Doctor Who story that would incorporate a plethora of the Doctor’s rogue’s gallery like the Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Weeping Angels, Autons, The Judoon, the Master, and even I would love to incorporate other timelords like the Rani and the Monk.

Most of all, I would want the doctor to be an original incarnation that can be shaped by the player through dialogue, customisation, and interactions. Akin to the mass effect. This doctor would be an in-between incarnation like the War Doctor, The Valeyard, or even how David Tennant is returning for the 60th anniversary.

The premise of the story would be that something has happened. The doctor is missing; River Song is injured badly and is in a galactic war hospital. The doctor is suffering from what seems to be a traumatic regeneration. They have amnesia (a typical video game story-telling technique). All they remember is the doctor's name. They have a damaged Sonic screwdriver, psychic paper, and River Song’s gun. Oh, and the Tardis is gone. Maybe the first objective would be to find the Tardis. The point of the game would be for the doctor to discover what happened, who they are, and why they regenerated. I can imagine a studio like Bioware would be fantastic for a title like this after Mass Effect. However, I believe Bethesda or even Ubisoft could do an incredible job with a game that could incorporate space traversal, planetary exploration, British humour, and Time travel.

I’d like to think the game would include customization of the Sonic Screwdriver and the Tardis interior. Imagine all the features the Sonic could have, and the Tardis could act like a hub world. like Normandy in Mass Effect.

I also believe that Doctor Who would be a darker setting in the form of a game, so I would want to see a Doctor Who atmosphere with the tone of the spin-offs like Torchwood or Class. The writing I want to imagine would be like that of Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, and a hint of Kurt Vonnegut.

I didn’t say every idea was going to be long and drawn out.

These are just some of these projects.

I could keep going, in all honesty.

I could list off ideas and projects I’d like to work on and maybe include them in Part 2.

  • Maybe a Rockstar Medieval or Pirate game in the style of Grand theft auto or red dead would be awesome!

  • I would love to work on a Fallout Game!

  • I would love to work on Solium Infernum by League of Geeks.

  • I would love to work on a game like Stray God by Summerfall games!

  • Spyro!

  • Star wars!

  • open world dragon riding game

  • A game about Celtic/Irish mythology

  • Adapt my pen-and-paper RPG the Magic Thorn to a video game.

Even if I haven’t named something yet for a title, I would love to work on it. I know it may have just slipped my mind or even not come to my attention yet. Ultimately, working at a game and design studio where my ideas and values align would be a dream come true for me.

So, Mote it be!



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